Художня освіта і перетворення особистості: виклик до закону необхідності

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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Настоящая статья ставит перед собой цель показать, как в современных условиях образования художественное образование может служить средством для более полного формирования личности и её мировоззренческих установок. Восприятие подрастающим поколением окружающего мира и среды не должно быть только механическим воспроизведением, а глубоким процессом осмысления и размышления над собой и другими. В данном контексте мы рассматриваем художественное образование как сферу, открывающую кругозор учащихся к таким дисциплинам, как философия, история, искусствоведение и экология.
Our article sets itself as a goal to demonstrate how in the modern conditions of education, the art education could serve as a mean to the more complete formation of the personality and its worldview vision. As a matter of fact, our consumer society having the possibility of the never-ending reproduction of the art masterpieces, thus making of the art a good to buy and not a way to educate the young generation in the aesthetic taste, creates a common opinion and does not create a common sense. We mean that common sense is a way to develop the personal qualities of the young people and it gives them the «tools» in order to become a personality with its own views and life position. The perception of the younger generation of the surrounding world and the environment should not be a mere mechanical reproduction, but a profound process of reflection and meditation on themselves and others. The position of such philosophers as A. V. Adorno and V. Benjamin warns us about the standardization of the personal convictions and beliefs, because after them goes the manipulation of the conscience and of the mind. The crisis of the art as a spiritual value and of the cultural wealth altogether could only give rise to a decadence of the art. In this context, we are looking at the art education as a sphere, enabling the pupils to such disciplines as philosophy, history, history of art and ecology. Art education in modern conditions represents a new approach to the education of personality and to the theory of personality and personal growth of K. Rogers due to the fact that the source and the driving forces of personal growth are not outside the child, but in the child. Hence the essence of educational activity is not shaping a man according to the set, even cultural samples and standards, but assistance to the child in his self-actualization, realization and development of personal potential in decision-making and the development of his own freedom and responsibility for the life choices. In modern conditions artistic education should be oriented to the beautiful and interesting things, to the harmony, which may allow the child to form more positive and creative attitude to himself and the world around him.
Ключові слова
личность, эстетическое воспитание, художественное образование, формирование личности, мировоззрение, personality, aesthetic education, art education, personality shaping, word view
Бібліографічний опис
Меттини, Э. Художественное образование и преображение личности: вызов к закону необходимости [Текст] / Э. Меттини // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №7 (33). – С. 306–313.