Особливості підготовки педагогів до роботи з обдарованими дітьми: опис досвіду

dc.contributor.authorЗосименко Оксана Вікторівна
dc.contributor.authorZosymenko Oksana Viktorivna
dc.description.abstractУ статті здійснено спробу опису зарубіжного досвіду організації процесу професійної підготовки педагогів до роботи з обдарованими дітьми. Автором представлено систему роботи з обдарованими дітьми Республіки Білорусь, розглянуто низку форм навчання таких дітей у закладах загальної середньої освіти й закладах додаткової освіти. Висвітлено основні компоненти професійної підготовки вчителя до роботи з обдарованими дітьми, його професійно-особистісні якості. Розкрито особливості співпраці закладів вищої освіти з закладами загальної середньої освіти та доведено доцільність уведення до освітнього процесу підготовки вчителя навчальної дисципліни «Соціально-педагогічні основи роботи з обдарованими дітьми».uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the article is to describe the experience of the Republic of Belarus, which has a rich practical experience in working with gifted children and teacher training, which involves the Ministry of Education of the country, higher education institutions, public and private organizations. The studies allowed the author to argue that the problem of identifying, teaching and supporting gifted and talented children and youth today is one of the most important directions of the state policy of Belarus in the field of education. Thus, in the country, such state programs as “Gifted Children”, “Youth of Belarus” and “Young Talents of Belarus” have been developed and operated; three special funds of the President of the Republic of Belarus have been created: on support of culture and art; on the social support of gifted pupils and students; on support of gifted students. The article states that the versatility and complexity of the phenomenon of giftedness determines the expediency of the existence of various directions, forms and methods of working with gifted and highly motivated children. Requirements for state programs aimed at teaching gifted children with general (mental) giftedness and some kinds of special talent (linguistic, mathematical, etc.) are revealed. The author of the article presents a system of work with gifted children in Belarus; the attention is paid to the forms of studying children in the conditions of institutions of general secondary education and institutions of additional education, the components of training teachers for work with gifted and highly motivated children are revealed; the professional-personal qualities necessary for work with gifted and highly motivated children are determined. The article proves that one of the peculiarities of work with talented children is involvement of the teaching staff of higher education institutions, which also allows to work with gifted students through a system of additional education with teachers of education institutions of all types. The experience of such cooperation is revealed on the example of the Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov together with the Department of Education of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee on the basis of education institutions of the city of Vitebsk. The author of the article has found out that an important component of the future teachers’ training to work with gifted and highly motivated children is introduction of the educational discipline “Social-pedagogical basics of working with gifted children” in the educational process, as well as the main goal, tasks and content of this course.uk_UA
dc.publisherСумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренкаuk_UA
dc.subjectобдарована дитинаuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофесійна підготовкаuk_UA
dc.subjectособистісно-професійні якостіuk_UA
dc.subjectзаклад загальної середньої освітиuk_UA
dc.subjectзаклад вищої освітиuk_UA
dc.subjectзаклад додаткової освітиuk_UA
dc.subjectgifted childuk_UA
dc.subjectvocational traininguk_UA
dc.subjectpersonal and professional qualitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectgeneral secondary education institutionuk_UA
dc.subjecthigher education institutionuk_UA
dc.subjectadditional education institutionuk_UA
dc.titleОсобливості підготовки педагогів до роботи з обдарованими дітьми: опис досвідуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativePeculiarities оf Training Teachers to Work with Gifted Children: а Description оf the Experienceuk_UA
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